Pizza Magyaros

by - 10:07 PM

First make the pasta base with ingredients: Flour, Yeast, Water, Olive Oil, Honey, Salt.

Add 5g of yeast to one teaspoon of honey, add 3 tablespoon of warm water, mix it and let it react for 10mins.

When mixture becomes fluffy, you can add 500g of flour, pinch of salt and mix them well.

When it become crumbly add water and knead it for 20 minutes, until it becomes the dough.

Let it rest for 30 minutes and punch down the puff up pasta and divide it into two parts.

Roll it down to two doughs (one for each pasta base).

Add oil and let it rest for another hour.

Flatten it with your palm or roll it to the thickness you like, adding some flour every now and then so it won't stick to your hands.

For the pasta sauce :)

Ingredients: Onions, Tomatoes puree, oregano, salt.

With two large onions, diced them and fry in olive oil til translucent.

Add one can of Pomodoro sauce (Italian tomatoes are longish types, very juicy and delicious) :)

Add half a cup of water and simmer til the fragrant of the pizza sauce fills your entire kitchen :)

Add fresh oregano and salt. Let it cool down before adding to the pizza base.

Add toppings: in this pizza photo above, Hungarian (Kolbasz) Smoked Sausage, Trappista Cheese, bio tomatoes, purple onions, some minced garlic, green chilli (sliced), and the final very important ingredient is Szalonna. Szalonna is Hungarian for fatback made of smoked pork fat with the rind and is traditional in Hungarian cuisine. You are free to top it with whatever you prefer too.

Bake it for 12 mins at 200 deg Celsius, when ready, serve. And enjoy!

If you would to see how to make the dough from scratch with raw ingredients, here's a video to share:

Pizza dough from scratch:

This pizza was made with totally BIO ingredients straight from the garden in the backyard, a 'first' pizza for my Aunt-in-law and Uncle-in-law to taste at their home. The highlights of this pizza is the green chilli that is super spicy & home-grown by Erzsike's hubby (Feri). The Scoville scale (a measurement of the pungency (spiciness/heat of pepper) of chili peppers) can match those of Thai Chili Padi (Bird's eye chili) so around 50,000 - 100,000 Scoville units, which is at the lower half of the range for the hotter habanero but still many times more spicy than a jalapeño.

Made with totally BIO ingredients straight from the garden in the backyard, a 'first' Singaporean made 'Magyaros Pizza' for Katika & Lácika.

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