Hungarian Pickled Cucumber - Savanyusag: csemege uborka - DeelishRecipes.blogspot.com Cooking & Recipes

Hungarian Pickled Cucumber - Savanyusag: csemege uborka

by - 6:44 AM

Originally uploaded by zannnielim

The summer meat dishes for Hungarian are not to be missed without the Hungarian Summer Pickles such as the cucumber.

It takes about 10 minutes to prepare this pickle.

The ingredients include 3- to 5-inch pickling cucumbers
  • 1 tablespoon pickling salt or kosher salt
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 1 fresh head and 1 frond of dill
  • About 2 cups water
Simply wash the cucumbers, and remove the blossom ends. Using a knife, slit the cucumbers through lengthwise just short of the end, so they are still attached.

Place pickling salt or kosher salt, vinegar, and dill into a narrow-mouth quart jar. Pack cucumbers tightly into jar so they are not floating, leaving 1 inch space. Pour in water to cover and cap the jar with a nonreactive lid.

Place the jar outside in the sun or in a sunny window. Bring the jar in at night. Within 3 days, you should see tiny bubbles, indicating the cucumbers are fermenting. When the tiny bubbles have stopped rising (around 5 days), place in refrigerator. They will keep about 2 weeks, refrigerated. Enjoy!

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