Glazed Roast Turkey with Cranberry Stuffing Recipe - DeelishRecipes.blogspot.com Cooking & Recipes

Glazed Roast Turkey with Cranberry Stuffing Recipe

by - 1:19 PM

Originally uploaded by Betty Crocker Recipes
In England, the evolution of the main course into turkey did not take place for years, or even centuries. At first, in Medieval England, the main course was either a peacock or a boar, the boar usually the mainstay.

During the late 17th century it then became common to serve Goose. And despite the arrival of turkey into Great Britain by the French Jesuits in the mid 18th century, Goose remained the predominate roast until the early 20th century when battery farming made Turkey financially viable for most people (it was quite common for Goose "Clubs" to be set allowing working class families to save up over the year towards a Goose before this).

The dessert of a British Christmas Dinner may often be Christmas Pudding. Trifle, Mince pies, Christmas Cake or a Yule Log are also popular. Enjoy the follow video recipe of the Christmas Turkey with Cranberry sauce by Nigella Lawson.

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