25 Grocery Shopping Tips

by - 3:20 AM

  1. Always go with a list.
  2. Plan out a weekly menu. 
  3. Don’t go when you’re hungry.
  4. Have a budget. 
  5. Do a rough running tally.
  6. Keep a list on your fridge, and write things down immediately. 
  7. Buy in bulk when it makes sense. 
  8. Pack your own lunch snacks. 
  9. Try crock pot dinners. 
  10. Try the store brands. 
  11. Cut back on your “one-item” trips. 
  12. When there’s a sale, stock up.
  13. Know when the store stocks its fresh fruits and veggies. 
  14. Plan one big purchase a month for bulk staples.  
  15. Think deep freeze. 
  16. Use everything possible.
  17. Don’t buy junk food (or buy as little as possible). 
  18. Go for whole foods. 
  19. Read labels. 
  20. Clean out your fridge. 
  21. Stick to your list. 
  22. Cut back on your restaurant eating. 
  23. Avoid frozen dinners or prepared entrees.
  24. Prepare your grocery list by aisle.
  25. Pack healthy snacks for the kids

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